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"The Blight" - Talbot Grimes type de personnalité MBTI

"The Blight" - Talbot Grimes type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est "The Blight" - Talbot Grimes? "The Blight" - Talbot Grimes est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 358 dans Enneagram, SCOEI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

I'll have to say I'm seeing him as more of an ENTP. He was known for being a charming, social butterfly who was much more interested in his pursuit for knowledge. I can see where the INTP votes are coming from, however I'd argue that he's most likely an ENTP. The Doctor is a good example of an INTP, and I feel like The Blight is a good example of an ENTP. Much like Ghostface.


Talbot Grimes was once a brilliant chemist from Scotland that has secured a coveted position in the East India Trade Company, developing various drugs to increase the effectiveness of the workforce. In exchange for his efforts, he was granted a secret laboratory on a remote island where he could perform his experiments with prisoners undisturbed. In hopes to develop a drug that completely numbs a person's pain receptors to be used in warfare, Grimes subjected people to his tests, eventually releasing them and learning of their horrific massacres later, refusing to take the blame for their atrocities. Eventually, karma has caught up with Talbot, as he was kidnapped by the vengeful Indians and shown the results of his creations: mass graves filled with bodies of the workers that had been using his drug. Beaten to near death and left to die in the pile of corpses, Grimes was saved by a group of secretive monks who wanted to utilize his talent in order to push the limits of the human mind. Tasked with finding the so-called "soul chemical", he had become obsessed with the search to the point that the monks were turned off by him and finally decided to get rid of him. Grimes awakened in an opium den, surrounded by numb addicts, but before he could do anything, he was injected with a drug by an unknown figure. After waking up, he started carving formulas on the walls, hoping to finally reach a breakthrough, but it never came. After carving the final message in his chest, he somehow ended up in a field of orange blooming flowers, with a strange whisper beckoning him to enter. After this, Talbot Grimes was never seen again, with only one phrase etched in the stone of the walls: "Death is only the beginning". Wandering in the Entity's realm, Grimes started experimenting with the flowers, creating compounds that proved miraculous in a way and sated his newfound hunger, but still something was missing. After 33 iterations, he had finally perfected the formula and injected himself with it. But it went exactly the wrong way. Instead of finally shutting his hunger down, it increased it, transforming him into a monstrosity known only as the Blight.

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