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Claire Nakti (Cosmetique Astrology) type de personnalité MBTI

Claire Nakti (Cosmetique Astrology) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Claire Nakti (Cosmetique Astrology)? Claire Nakti (Cosmetique Astrology) est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/so - dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

How could she be anything other than INTP? Her focus is on universal truth, the cosmic principles (Ti), and she beautifully organizes them in an immersive exploration (Ne-Si) to benefit others with a shared purpose (Fe). Her care for her appearance is a direct correlation to her principles. Regarding occult matters, especially Tantra, INTP is most likely to succeed because of their nature so it’s no wonder she is so outstanding and prolific in her research. Of course presently there are not many INTPS involved in spirituality & occult in the West (at least visibly), so we hardly ever fully witness and benefit from the potential of their brilliance. She is unique in that manner.


Claire Nakti is an occult blogger and YouTuber who does research based Vedic Astrology videos.

l'Internet célébrité similaire à Claire Nakti (Cosmetique Astrology)
