Eva type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Eva? Eva est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 4w5 - so/sp - dans Enneagram, RLOAN dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

Si > Ni is clear. Her harbored resentment is a distinctly SiFe experience in that she is ready to love unconditionally and craves the familial comfort that the Si+Fe combination is so privy to. I don't find Ni at all with Eva because her specific brand of idealism is a lot more self-reflective rather than future-oriented. She has regrets and pains because of her Fe needs not being met. Even as a child she comes off as a Si dom since she is reserved and subjugated to her (understandable, yet high) standards of affection and family. Bergman's films are obviously dialogue-heavy since this is his favorite mode of deteriorating civil dynamics into visceral, psychological pain. And here, the dialectic between Eva and her mother seems distinctly ISFJ/ENTJ. Eva's Si shows up in many ways, especially when compared to her mother who shares none of the same functions. Although I'm aware that SJ types don't all have a good memory, the scene in which Eva and Charlotte are unintentionally comparing their memories is indicative of SiFe vs Ni-Fi. Eva is interested in the social-emotional (Fe) implications of her experiences and her upbringing (Si.) While both introverted perceiving functions look for deeper meanings in things, Si is the one with standards of comfort, familiarity, and the like. I know this doesn't mean much but I was shocked to see the consensus was INFJ when I looked into this profile, just because the dominant Ni inferior Se dynamic is not present at all for Eva. Another laymanized stereotype I despise is that of sensing types being unable to have abstract conversations. Though I'm going to (maybe irresponsibly) entertain this idea in a more respectful way, because if I remember correctly there is a scene where Eva reprimands her mother for wanting only to talk about intellectual ideas that she wanted to talk about (total xNTJ.) Eva says she was unable to follow her mother. I'd chalk this up to Charlotte's dominant Ni more than I would Eva's dominant Si. What I'm saying is that if Eva was an Ni dominant she would likely be interested in those conversations since she'd still want to spend time with her mother for auxiliary Fe reasons. But the subtext implies that Eva just wanted to share an emotionally warm space with Charlotte (SiFe.) What do you think?


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