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Sydeon (Sydney) type de personnalité MBTI

Sydeon (Sydney) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Sydeon (Sydney)? Sydeon (Sydney) est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 296 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

Listening to her interview with Dr. K, she definitely sounds like an NJ. Around the 1 hour mark, she discusses imposter syndrome with Dr. K. There's a lot of focus on control, autonomy, and causality, which is central to the philosophy of Ni and NJs specifically. She also displays a lot of self-awareness and a desire to fit in earlier in the interview, which makes me think Fe over Te. She discusses playing sports to fit in at school, and keeping her interest in gaming/comic books private. She was also in a few leadership roles in school, so I would say an ExxJ over IxxJ. ExxJs are extroverts and have their extroverted judging function higher up, so they're more likely to take charge of a situation than an IxxJ. You can see her inferior Ti when Dr. K asks her for her thoughts on fat acceptance (around 41 min). She struggles to state her own views and skirts around the question a lot (in her defence, it's a hell of a question to be asked). She defers to the group judgment a lot ("it's so hard to say when you don't really know.. I just want to be supportive"). Eventually she settles on a solution, but it's still very externally focused, nothing about herself ("Do they feel mentally healthy and they feel good about their body? If so, awesome, if not I would be happy to help support someone to get there").


Sydeon (previously known as Neytiri) is a popular gaming and variety Twitch streamer.
