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  2. Littérature
  3. Awaken Online

Jason Rhodes type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Jason Rhodes? Jason Rhodes est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 8w9 - sp/so - dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."


The main character of the series, he's the avatar of the dark affinity god and arch nemesis of Alex Lane, Jason is a social outcast whose parents neglect him and gets tormented in a school of rich kids because of his economic status. The brunt of the bullying was from Alex Lane himself, who puts on a facade of being a benevolent golden child while using his popularity to make Jason's life hell. Tired of it all, he began playing Awaken Online to regain a sense of power and control over his life. He later encountered one of the in-game gods who gave him the necromancer class. He's now the ruler of the Twilight Throne; a result of his high affinity for dark magic. He is now the most powerful character in the game and inspires awe and terror throughout the game world. But he's really a decent guy and only uses his edgelord reputation to protect himself and the Twilight Throne.

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