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Georgiy Kain type de personnalité MBTI

Georgiy Kain type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Georgiy Kain? Georgiy Kain est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 514 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."


A judge, philosopher and thinker, but above all, a Smith, a Sculptor. Following Simon’s death, he’s become the main embodiment of the Kain idea, the builder and creator: the Crucible is his crucible. This is why we see him in his workshop, engaged in quite literal sculpting; this is why he’s dressed like an architect. He has the large hands of someone who works with stone and clay. This is, of course, symbolic: as a rock can be turned into a statue by chiseling away the unnecessary, so can a human be turned into a superhuman. — From the game's design documents Georgiy Kain is the head of the Kain family and the town's judge. He sees humans not as static individuals, but as potentials of a unlocked greatness.

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