Paul Mescal type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Paul Mescal? Paul Mescal est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/so - 946 dans Enneagram, RCUAI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

I think he is an INFJ who is really good at tapping into his inferior Se when acting. He describes his acting process as very much getting invested in his characters' internal worlds and making them part of himself, in a somewhat "method" way (he even makes Spotify playlists for all of his characters to aid him in building these internal worlds, which is a technique used by a lot of Ni-using young actors these days, such as Sydney Sweeney and Jenna Ortega). He then is able to use his Ni-built internal understanding of the character as a springboard to tap into his inferior Se, as he is described as being extremely physically intense and embodying the character in the moment. Outside of acting, though, he seems a bit more like a true low Se user. I can see why people think he is a higher Se user in his talk show interviews because he answers questions a bit plainly but I think that's just a reserved Ni-dom who is nervous and hesitant to say anything but the bare minimum in such a setting. Read any print interviews or watch any longer conversations that are more conducive to fleshing out thoughts and you see the Ni jumping out in his responses. This one in particular: "There’s just something so alluring, so seismic about [the Oscars]. I can’t describe what will be going through my head driving to it. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, because I’ve had enough time to process the fact that it’s happening. But the picturing of myself within it is… something. It’s not like I’m just happy to be here at all. I feel immensely proud of the work that I’ve done. But there is just something really zoomed out about the Oscars as a concept."


Paul Colm Michael Mescal (born 1996) is an Irish actor, best known for is role in the miniseries Normal People (2020) and films such as The Lost Daughter (2021), Aftersun (2022) and All of Us Strangers (2024).

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