1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Télévision
  3. Snowpiercer (2020)

Ruth Wardell type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ruth Wardell? Ruth Wardell est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - so/sx - 612 dans Enneagram, SCOAN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

phlegmatic-melancholic is literally the opposite of ruth.. huh did you think that the constant showiness, gloating, and overbearing grip on tradition and rules to the point where she points a gun to a changing society is phlegmatic at all she hardly ever reflects internally, she's always reacting quickly and doesn't really have a developed sense of personal consciousness- until later on at least, but this isn't even melancholic, it's human empathy choleric and her unhealthy Te work make a lot of sense here she's typically open and joyful, often at the service to other people with a smile on her face, she's influential and comfortable with sharing her inner passions and drive to others


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