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  3. Miss Sloane

Elizabeth Sloane type de personnalité MBTI

Elizabeth Sloane type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Elizabeth Sloane? Elizabeth Sloane est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 835 dans Enneagram, SLOAN dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

If you wanna see an ENTJ legal thriller, watch a few good men by the brilliant Aaron Sorkin. This right here is a TeFi balancing plot. Very hard to do for an unhealthy NiFi INTJ. She states to an INFP employee that she has no driver's licence, because she has no grasp of the physical world. This is a clear sign for Se inferior. An ENTJ would be more apt at driving a car and being in the moment. Her strong Ni becomes obvious in how she plays everyone against each other and in a scene where she can't deal with a socializing event without taking drugs. When an INTJ has developed her Te In order to win, they may come off as an unhealthy ENTJ. She's very secure in her values which stems from her being bullied in school (probably by an ENTJ 😜), but her Te got her where she wanted to go, sadly though only in an unhealthy way. In the finale she actually manages to get her TeFi axis in order and align her values with the rules of the game. All under the observant eye of lead Ni. She uses her powers for good so to speak. This kind of bland morale could only be written by a single decider personality type. But maybe that is their role in our species. Keep us on the right track. I kinda like that notion. God knows it's easy to slip. EDIT: I'm not so sure about the protagonist's type in a few good men anymore.. might also be an ENFJ



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