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  3. Venom (2018)

Dora Skirth type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Dora Skirth? Dora Skirth est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sp - 261 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Greetings, everyone! As just to play advocate here, an INTP 2 would appear similar to an INFJ in some ways. Enneagram type 2 strongly correlates with Fe, but it is not the same thing. It can be presented in some similar ways, though. Given that INTPs do indeed have Fe in their function stack, despite it being in the inferior position, it would stand to reason that it would appear to be drawn out more. I know at least one INTP 2 in person who has been mistaken for an INFJ, and actually a couple of ENTP 2s who have been mistaken for ENFJs, and one was even mistyped as such for a long period of time. As a concession, INFJ type 5s also tend to look like INTPs, but I do not believe Dora is a 5 or an INFJ. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. 😊


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