Melodii type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Melodii? Melodii est un type de personnalité ENFP dans MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Why are they E6? They never gave off any 6 vibes anywhere in the game so far. Hard to know their type so far but they're definitely EXFP. Considering how future oriented they are, I'm leaning more toward ENFP. You can see Ne in how they jump from person to person just to work and come up with their own ideas to atone for penalty instead of doing it the traditional way. You can see some restlessness in how they plan to go to work at the beginning of the game but then get off track by interacting with other people. They also were able to convince the clown dude to give them a job despite being too young to work, another suggestion of Ne abstract idealism. Some random Ne lines like "How exactly long has this butter been out to sit?" An ESFP would most likely rather just work in community service and would be less likely to go off track.

