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Temenos Mistral type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Temenos Mistral? Temenos Mistral est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

"Doubt is what I do, Crick." Steadfast, witty, sharp, cautious, skeptical, committed, and fiercely loyal. Temenos is my favorite trickster. This guy's first chapter was probably one of my favorites, and I wasn't quite expecting that. I'm definitely typing him as 5w6. He seems much less serious and a lot more cautious than your average 1. Yes, he's particularly committed to his religion, and with that, his morals, but that is not exclusive to 1s. He does not seem to struggle with 1's perfectionism, black and white thinking, and judging/enforcing qualities, and he doesn't really play by the rules. He compartmentalizes his feelings and seems to be somewhat paralyzed in action. He has a rich inner world, and he is a huge overthinker. I'm not completely sure of his MBTI type, but I'm leaning towards INTP. Ne seems much more likely than Ni to me, and I think Ti definitely is higher than Fe, and I think tertiary Si, because of how meticulous he is in his investigations. I know inferior Fe sounds weird for someone so witty, but he doesn't seem to quite understand other people's feelings the way someone with higher Fe would. He seems much more concerned with finding the truth, and he has trouble recognizing when he is causing others to worry. I'm guessing people vibe typed him as INFJ, but I doubt that to be the case. He is likely a Ti dom. Anyhow, whichever way you lean, I think we can all agree that this guy is hilarious. Can't wait to see more of him when the full game comes out.


A sarcastic inquisitor who works for the church. Temenos has taken it upon himself to investigate the murder of the pontiff at his local cathedral and whatever seditious conspiracy it might have been a part of. A practical joker and a talented magic user; beneath Temenos's sarcasm, performative cluelessness, and incessant ramblings is a wise, kindhearted, and incredibly bright man who only wishes to uncover what is happening to the church. Always three steps ahead of the sacred guard, Temenos and his companion, a knight named Crick must uncover the grave plots against the church to find the truth. "The sacred flame shall light our path... Probably."

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