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  2. Historique
  3. Historical Figures (100's)

Huangfu Song(皇甫嵩) type de personnalité MBTI

Huangfu Song(皇甫嵩) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Huangfu Song(皇甫嵩)? Huangfu Song(皇甫嵩) est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 316 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."


Huangfu Song(died 195), courtesy name Yizhen, was a military general who lived during the Eastern Han dynasty of China. He is best known for helping to suppress the Yellow Turban Rebellion and Liang Province Rebellion. He was one of three imperial commanders when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, along with Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi. He was known to be a modest and generous person; he pleaded for Lu Zhi to be pardoned when the latter was wrongly accused of a crime that he had not committed.

Historique célébrité similaire à Huangfu Song(皇甫嵩)
