Fang type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Fang? Fang est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 486 dans Enneagram, RLOEI dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

He had an unhealthy FI in the og series, wanting to be superior than his classmates and is very pissed off of Boboiboy due to jealousy because of how popular he is. Considered for awhile if he uses aux Se or Ne, but then I decided SE because of how good he is in sensing his surroundings then using it to his advantage (There is that one episode where he chooses to fought Boboiboy in an abandoned house because he knew that the darkness would come in handy with his shadow powers) If he were an INTJ (NI-TE), he would be way more focused in completing his original mission (retrieve the watches from Boboiboy and his friends) effectively than competing with Boboiboy out of jealousy.

