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  2. Télévision
  3. Grand Army (2020)

Joey Del Marco type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Joey Del Marco? Joey Del Marco est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 783 dans Enneagram, SLUEN dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Okay yeah, duh. Stereotypical dancer Se dom. But are you all going to ignore her shadow functions that were present for.. what. The majority of this whole short-lived show? Now I will start this by saying I personally do not like her character, mainly due to her performative activism. Frankly, it was irritating. Homegirl did nothing when her friends made misogynistic and racist remarks. However, I will go on to add that she definitely did not deserve what they did to her in the cab. Her trauma has caused her to behave drastically different. I would say that this is a super obvious case of an ESFP's shadow functions seeping through in response to a horrendously stressful situation. There is a good amount of shadow Si-Fe in the episodes after she was assaulted. She frequently went through an unhealthy mental cycle of "oh my god they're my friends, i can't do this to them", when she deliberated about opening up. Joey sacrificed her personal values for the sake of the "friends" who r***d her. When she experiences shadow Fe, she harshly criticizes herself. It explains why she was so confused on whether she could blame those sick monsters or not. An ESFP who betrays their personal moral conscience makes for a very unhappy state of being. To me, seeing her struggle, and watching her going through this pain was more unbearable than the cab scene itself. In a sense, Joey was losing her identity. She never got her justice. I will also elaborate on her trickster Ti as well. She was lashing out on others, which was first evident when she tried to pick a fight with Dominique. By that internalized logic, Joey felt as if the whole world were against her. Joey made quick, harsh judgements as an attempt to protect herself from the predisposed attacks of others. It is the textbook definition of trickster Ti. You can also see it when she pushed away Sylvie, because she felt that the girls from Sacred Heart were judging her too. This is truly a tragic character, and while she may have not had the best qualities, you can definitely feel for her. I know I did.


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