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William Pierson type de personnalité MBTI

William Pierson type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est William Pierson? William Pierson est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - sx/sp - 136 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, LSE dans Socionics."

Pierson is the most obvious Te dom. I remember playing COD WW2 years ago and he is my favourite character of all time in Call of Duty. He had the most obvious Fi development over time. He tries to care over his men and show empathy however his Te make sure to make him appear strict. His auxiliary Si recalls past events in a detailed manner to trigger his Fi. The Ne is his ideas over the time in the game. In my opinion he had the best character development


Technical Sergeant William Pierson is the tritagonist in Call of Duty: WWII, with an active skill to highlight enemies. The loss of his men and rank changed Pierson from a loyal leader to an embittered shell of his former self. During the events of Call of Duty: WWII, Pierson is often cold, distant, strict and callous towards everyone he meets. He is greatly disliked by many soldiers, who find him to be apathetic and unlikeable in general. Beneath this personality seems to be his former self. In “Stronghold”, despite reprimanding Daniels shortly after, he still saves Daniels’ life. Shown briefly in "Operation Cobra", he asks Zussman if his wounds have healed, which showed that he didn't want him to suffer the same fate as his men did in Kasserine. These two cases show that he still cares about his men, but tries to not let his emotions get to the battlefield (which indirectly caused Kasserine.)

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