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Mickey Seven type de personnalité MBTI

Mickey Seven type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Mickey Seven? Mickey Seven est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Mickey Seven is a violent terrorist who is currently serving a life sentence in a Florida prison. She is Amber Laska's DNA donor as a result of Project Osiris. She has spent her entire life protesting, becoming more and more violent over the years. Mickey Seven has a long Russian surname but she got her nickname from being the seventh person busted in a march on the Virginia State Capitol protesting cuts to homeless shelters. Over the next eight years, Mickey Seven was arrested sixteen times, each time serving a short prison sentence. In 1991, she led a group that blew up the armory at Brannigan Naval Base in the First Gulf War and was then declared a terrorist and sentenced to a lifetime in prison. Mickey Seven is reckless, stubborn, fearless, temperamental, intense, and is always one hundred percent confident she's doing the right thing (like Amber). Even in jail, Mickey Seven spends most of her time riling up the other inmates to riot against the guards.

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