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Fuuka Miyazawa type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Fuuka Miyazawa? Fuuka Miyazawa est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - sp/sx - 361 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, EII dans Socionics."

Her attachment to career like it's everything, even hiding her frustration to not worsen the situation, seems very very very SP 3w4. (heart/image triad, hardworking, mixed flow that seeks to connect external position and internal will - as opposed to 4's pure internal reflection of the self-image and 2's pure external refutation of self-image | SP instinct in particular because they seek to hide how much they work their image in order to appear normal as maximum safety) 9 is a gut triad (body/action) type. In comparison to 3, she really wouldn't be nearly as bummed about failure if she were 9. (doubly that in fact, because 9s refute their own anger and unhelpful desires - so a 9 would think something like "Nice! No more hard work!") Enneagram institute does a good job at summing it up: "Generally speaking, Nines have trouble doing good things for themselves, and have a much easier time taking it easy than Threes do. Threes try to garner attention from people who they believe are important to them. Nines are reluctant to ask for attention, and discount themselves easily. Threes get excited about their projects, Nines about their free time and comforts."


Caractéristiques et traits communs
