1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Historique
  3. Historical Figures (800s)

Ragnar Lodbrok type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Ragnar Lodbrok? Ragnar Lodbrok est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - - 458 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Ragnar Lothbrok or Lodbrok (Old Norse: Ragnarr Loðbrók, "Ragnar shaggy breeches", Modern Icelandic: Ragnar Loðbrók) is a legendary Viking hero, as well as a legendary Danish and Swedish king. He is known from Old Norse poetry of the Viking Age, Icelandic sagas, and near-contemporary chronicles. According to the traditional literature, Ragnar Lothbrok distinguished himself by conducting many raids against the British Isles and the Holy Roman Empire during the 9th century. He also appears in Norse legends, and according to the legendary sagas Ragnarssona þáttr and Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum, Ragnar Lodbrok's father was the legendary king of the Swedes, Sigurd Ring.

Historique célébrité similaire à Ragnar Lodbrok
