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Ken Takakura type de personnalité MBTI

Ken Takakura type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Ken Takakura? Ken Takakura est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 954 dans Enneagram, RLUAI dans Big 5, ILI dans Socionics."

I used to think he was an INTP with an ESFP crush but now I'm starting to think he's an INFP. his rational as to why he wants to meet aliens is just so he could make friends. he's far more people focused than he lets on. a lot of this can be seen in chapter 1, I think his social skills have outwardly atrified in how he gets into conflict with momo immediately but his inner monologue is about how he was always dreaming of a situation like this to come up and when it does he wouldn't let it slip away. this is a real leading with the heart person, even if he doesn't want attention drawn to that. I think INTP is still plausible and I don't really understand how they construct motives but damn this sounds kinda INFP to me. even the lengths he would go to to save momo from the start in how he fought Turbo Granny for control to save momo. INFPs can be unexpectedly heroic even with the awareness of ridicule. & again perhaps INTPs are likewise and I just don't understand how they work fully have a good one, honky tonky


Ken Takakura (高倉健 Takakura Ken) is one of the main protagonists of the manga series Dandadan. He is an otaku with a firm belief that UFOs and aliens exist.

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