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  2. Littérature
  3. Spinning Silver (2018)

Wanda Vitkus type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Wanda Vitkus? Wanda Vitkus est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 6w5 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Wanda strikes me as a good Si-Te user. Always relating to her past experiences (with her mom, with her dad, with her numerous brothers). She's terrified of getting married for what she saw her mother enduring with her terrible father, giving birth again and again, getting weaker, just to end up dying after one of those births. Wanda's goal? Working hard enough to be independent and be far away from her father Gorek who wants to sell her on marriage. She prefers to focus on the present and what she already knows, and doesn't think about the future beyond what she'll do when the debt with Myriem is paid, apart from continuing to work. Think about what she did when discovering about her brother Sergey incident; she went to her mother's grave to "seek" her ailment. She freaked out when her brothers started to work for Myriem too, because the debt was going to be paid off sooner, meaning she'll be sent to her problematic house again with the threat of being given in marriage. She's a great example of tertiary Fi, when she is taunted or ridiculed (mostly by her father, again), she holds back her feelings, letting Te do the job of shutting those people up. Doesn't dismiss her feelings, nor did she outright refuse to think about them. Wanda reminds me so much of Brienne, character from the books of A Song of Ice and Fire. Straightforward, driven, but honest and kind. I'm glad she got the stability and family love she craved for!


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