Helena Satou type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Helena Satou? Helena Satou est un type de personnalité INTP dans MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 584 dans Enneagram, RLUEI dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

ESE?!!?!? she has so much gamma ti and alpha ne ?? how could you ever say shes ese "LIIs are adept at organizing their understanding into structured thought. They may organize their cogitations into categories, diagrams, formulaic descriptions, or complex step by step explanationsé" this is very clearly shown in chapter 2 trial when she was arguing with akihiro about shinko and hikaris alibies "LIIs can be difficult for others to understand because they tend to avoid explaining the intermediate steps in their reasoning, seeing only the conclusion as important. / LIIs are, in the colloquial sense, highly rational creatures and may pride themselves on so being. They may live highly structured or regimented lifestyles and can be quite proactivéé" these were the exact reasons that pushed her character development at the end of chapter 5. Now to talk about her alpha ne.Alpha ne users may tend to see novel ideas that have no implications or relevance to a larger ideational framework as disinteresting and pointless. At the same time, alpha ne users are often minimally interested in real-world application of their ideas, instead preferring abstract and theoretical speculation. They often tend towards contemplative academic fields which allow for abstract speculation to be realized in concrete conclusions. This is very clearly shown in the trials with all of her rebuttal showdowns especially with kurosuke and sora when they were arguing about the pickle room she showed no alpha si and definetly no gamma fe in concluesion LII>ESE ARGUE WITH A F-ING WALL!!!


6'4" tall girl, please g,,,,girl...... p pretty T_T TSUNDERE ENERGY she/her

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