Zhang Qiling / Kylin Zhang type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Zhang Qiling / Kylin Zhang? Zhang Qiling / Kylin Zhang est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - 962 dans Enneagram, RCOEN dans Big 5, SLI dans Socionics."

Let me tell you the traits Zhang qiling have mostly similar to ISTP. Those traits are clearly direct to the ISTP. he appears little different than ISTPs cause of his memory loss and no relationship or family. He also doesn't have proper life schedule. So his enneagram would be 9w1. Cause ISTP 9w1 are calm, quiet & peaceful. I would say his Se is pretty strong cause they rely on their five senses to absorb as much information about their environment as they can. They are highly observant and sensitive, and notice details about what is happening around them that other people miss. What Zhang does. ISTPs are not well attuned to the emotional states of others, and they can sometimes be seen as cold, unfeeling, or insensitive. Zhang appeared as a cold and mysterious character in the beginning. Wu xie calls him "poker face". he later shows his warm and softer side. ISTP also distance themselves from their own emotions. Zhang has hard time showing his emotions which is his Fe inferior. He is Goal-directed, action oriented and wants freedom to work at his own pace. He is also have risk taking behaviour. Zhang is not afraid to take risks. Where he solves many puzzles and save others. ISTPs are quiet but with an easygoing attitude towards others. they are the stoic, silent type. They can be talkative at work. When Zhang acted as many characters in the novel. In the novel, he works for many different leaders for his goal. Zhang also takes sudden action when in trouble. He is kind of spontaneous. If he's an Ni/Si Dom he would take time to take the sudden actions. Also appears out of nowhere and save Wu xie. Zhang is unpredictable and hard to understand for everyone cause no one knows what he wants/about to do. His habit of leaving without telling anyone, what ISTP does. His all traits are in ISTPs.


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