Jordan Kent type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Jordan Kent? Jordan Kent est un type de personnalité ISFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sp/sx - 458 dans Enneagram, RLUAN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

I'm torn. At first, I would have said Jordan seemed like a stereotypical 4 -- he feels alienated and different -- but it seems to me like he WANTS to be normal, and just fit in, and do what other kids do, which makes me wonder if he's a core 6. Both of them are emotional, but 4s don't want to be fixed, and 6s want inclusion. He seems happiest when he can play football with the boys (be part of something), he eagerly moves toward a girl wanting to be her boyfriend (which is more an attachment type; 4s are heavily withdrawn), he's upset to think he might not have powers, because then his "weirdness" has no purpose; he is just cursed with it. He suffers from a lot of crippling self-doubt (I can't do this, I can't learn to control my powers) -- and some of that comes from his 5 wing, but ... is he really more about wearing his suffering around his neck like a tarnished necklace for others to hate/admire, or is he really just someone who wants to be included and be normal? I lean 6w5, but am not closed to 4w5 either. He just seems more willing to connect to people and go after them for attention than a double-withdrawn type.


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