1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Littérature
  3. Persuasion

Elizabeth Elliot type de personnalité MBTI

Elizabeth Elliot type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Elizabeth Elliot? Elizabeth Elliot est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, SLOEN dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Elizabeth Elliot (b. June 1, 1785). Elizabeth Elliot is a fictional character from Jane Austen's novel Persuasion. She is the eldest daughter of baronet Sir Walter Elliot, and older sister to Anne Elliot and Mary Elliot Musgrove. Since the death of her mother Lady Elliot she becomes mistress of Kellynch Hall. Elizabeth is very similar and close to her father, she is proud, dimissive of Anne (the main character) and cold to Lady Russell. She is 29 years old and hopes to marry a social equal, preferably William Elliot who will eventually inherit Kellynch Hall and her father's title. At the end of the novel she is betrayed by Mr. Elliot and her friend Mrs. Clay who run off together. She lives in the city of Bath with Sir Walter Elliot. Quote: "[Lady Russell] had never succeeded in any point which she wanted to carry, against previous inclination...Elizabeth would go her own way."

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