Happy S type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Happy S? Happy S est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 782 dans Enneagram, SLOAI dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Why ENFP 7w6 ? His Se > Ne. He lives in “here and now”, and always looks for sensory experiences to please himself. Compared with looking for new and intuitive things, he can deal with the sensory and physical ones better. Another reason why he is a Se dom rather than a Ne dom can be perceived from his thinking method when he fights with the evil. He doesn’t consider what will happen to the outside world if he thumps a monster. Instead, his inferior Ni gets faint and immature intuitive information from his own subconsciousness( I will defeat the monster as long as I beat him at once.) Thus, Se-Ni just makes him to fight on the spur of the moment with a fuzzy and single-line possibility of winning in his heart. And his wing is sx8. From his explicit character traits: He is always infuriated when he sees weak people being bullied. He is irritable, impatient and a little rude, and he often upholds justice. He is assertive and action-oriented. He is not so anxious( without the influence of wing 6), but he has a lot of uncontrolled anger(w8). Yes, he is happy, warm and care-free just like 7w6, but he doesn’t need others’ support so much. Also, sx 8 is his tool to realize so7 : In order to make other people happy and the world better ( In other words, to satisfy his core motivation and need of so7), he doesn’t hesitate to fight with the evil, and sometimes even brings trouble. When it’s time for fight and upholding justice that is important for him and his people, he never hesitates for a second. Instead, he just rushes up without any care. He is too impetuous to be 7w6.

