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Christy Altomare type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Christy Altomare? Christy Altomare est un type de personnalité dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Echoing the other comment, why ENFJ? I've always seen her as ENFP. Maybe it's because of her core 2 that she looks like an Fe dom? She once said in a podcast that she doesn't want to be around people when she feels down because she wants to bring positive energy to the people around her. To me that comes from her Fi, her internal value, and her being core 2 (wanting to bring positive impact to people's life). Also, Christy has this childlike wonder that is very typical of high Ne users, especially Ne dom. I honestly don't see Ni or Se in her at all, but if someone can explain where they see Ni-Se, I might change my mind. Also remember how she practically doesn't reply to people's texts and DMs? (not because she is rude or doesn't care of course, she's just too busy). My Dad is an EXFJ and he would make sure he replies to everyone and every chat even if it takes a painstakingly long time and get in the way of doing chores and other more important things. My INFP friend, on the other hand, is as caring as Christy (funny that my friend's name is also Christy and they remind me of each other a lot) but if she is busy she will prioritize what's more important to her first than other people. Usually it takes her seconds to a couple of hours to reply, but on hectic days she'd come back in a few days or a week. For xxFPs, as much as they love the people in their life, it's "Me First" then "My Loved Ones".


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