Eight type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Eight? Eight est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 3w2 - - dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, SEI dans Socionics."

ESTP, but an unhealthy one who isn't very bright. Se+Ti often runs very fast as the information and logic processes within almost an instant, which can lead into a lot of misjumps or poor logic. This is however different from Se+Fi, which runs based on just doing things just to do them because the ESFP feels like it. Eight very much lives in the moment, but he still runs on internal logic, such as "Terrible Numberblock bad and I must stop them because they are bad" or "An Alphablock in Numberland is unusual, so the situation should be investigated!". The issue is that this logic is very... Bad. Se is definitely his dominant function, and he gets so tied up in the present moment that he literally loses ALL his battles and must ALWAYS be saved/help by somebody else. Additionally, while I don't normally go into tertiary functions, his Fe also shows a lot. He wants validation and attention from other Numberblocks, he relies on them for his external harmony... it's just that he goes about all this in a very unhealthy way. I believe Eight is 3w2/378. Eight THRIVES under attention, to the point his debut song is literally everybody else singing for him rather than him singing. He loves sports like in "Ten Vaulting", almost certainly a way to get more praise, and he specifically wants this praise to happen from within a group of people rather than standing out as his own thing. Even when doing superhero stuff, in episodes like "Octoblock to the Rescue" he gets so cocky he gets captured, and in "Terrible Twosday" he appeared at the end to brag despite not actually stopping the Terrible Twos at all. He does all of this specifically to boost his own ego. He also has never thanked the people helping him either and has sometimes even taken credit for what others have done, such as "I've dealt with the Terrible Twos before!", ignoring he got captured when he "dealt with them"... not to mention him getting shocked when Octonaughty didn't just magically listen to him in "Octoblock to the Rescue", as if he expected a literal villain to just sit there and be captured. I think he's 7 because he's still "very in the moment"; he loves doing sports and other fun things, and it's very clear his superheroing is much more just a way to energize himself. Eight does still have an 8 in his tritype, but it's very weak. He does want control and to some degree still wants to protect others, but it all circles back into his primary 3 to build up his own ego. It does not help that he's bad at his job because he's so inclined to get cocky about his own powers, while an 8 dom would probably be much more inclined to actually want to succeed in stopping these people to ensure everyone else's safety.

