Joo Jisoo type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Joo Jisoo? Joo Jisoo est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, - so/sp - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SLI dans Socionics."

He sleeps he INTP Ti dom and Fe inferior make sense but I don't really see Ne. Se is more evident, he focused on the present moment and fulfilling his impulsive desires(referring to what he did in his backstory). In general he never thought about the possible consequences, acted on impulse and regretted it later. He was also good at reacting in the moment, like when he stopped Hobin with a double leg takedown to a heel hook, or when he tried to dodge Hobin's knees. His interest seemed to be more in the process itself(Se) than the alternate ideas(Ne), with Se he followed through with Seongjun's plans/orders. He didn't care to even think about ways to deal with the bullying and just wanted to sleep, until his brother forced him to learn Jiu-Jitsu. He was arrogant and thought he didn't need to prepare himself for the fight, but ig Ni might show when he made an assumption about 244's job when he had no concrete evidence(Idk about this) Also I feel like someone randomly voted 6w5 for his enneagram and others just went with it.


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