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  3. Winter‘s Tale

Beverly Penn type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Beverly Penn? Beverly Penn est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 9w1 - - dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

I found this on a site, called Funky Mbti in Fiction: Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extroverted Sensing (Se) Beverly sees the inner-weavings of the universe as a connected whole, in which everyone’s life is significant but entwined with everyone else’s. She is a firm believer in fate, in her idealistic conception that when we die, we become stars. She has a certainty about her future and her impending death, and her way of looking at the world is so unique that others cannot often grasp it, although it enchants them. She often speaks in beautiful abstractions, about the true nature of light and its deep meaning; she seeks specific, personal, symbolic meaning from all she encounters. She can be somewhat impulsive and pleasure-seeking (inviting Peter to “love me now, or no one ever will” and risking her life for a night of passion). She yearns to dance, to experience life, and to seek out new physical experiences and sensations. She recovers well from her spirited ride through the skies. Extroverted Feeling (Fe) / Introverted Thinking (Ti) “I suppose the proper thing to do is to offer you a cup of tea,” she says, upon finding someone attempting to burgle her house … who decides not to. She can be animated in her passions and seeks to draw others closer to her, through encouraging them, and inspiring them to imagine greater things than they can imagine. Her narrative voice-over reinforces socially harmonic values such as no life being worth more than another, and that our entire purpose of existence is to do something of significance for another human being, before we can find peace in death. Her conclusions about the universe, her belief in the stars, in miracles, and in the unexpected joys to be found in life, are drawn not from external “provable things,” but her own imagination and sense of what seems logical to herself. Beverly often asks questions of others, to deepen her understanding of their situation and to provide herself with more information upon which to draw logical conclusions. https://funkymbtifiction.tumblr.com/post/107117419227/winters-tale-beverly-penn-INFJ

