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  2. Télévision
  3. Gossip Girl (2021)

Akeno "Aki" Menzies type de personnalité MBTI

Akeno "Aki" Menzies type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Akeno "Aki" Menzies? Akeno "Aki" Menzies est un type de personnalité ISFJ dans MBTI, 9w1 - so/sp - 962 dans Enneagram, RCOAI dans Big 5, SEI dans Socionics."

i'm going to wait to vote for MBTI. at least till next thursday. all of the characters have been written consistently and had a huge amount of genuine personality. he lacks expression and emotion on everything he says and showed a glimpse of Fe in episode 2 so i don't think it's enough yet to type. edit: yeah nvm he's ISFJ i also think the way he wants to do something but waits for someone else (max, in most of occasions) to do it for him is very Si-Fe cause he's afraid to explore out of the rules he stablished for himself and his relationship but also afraid to hurt audrey. they were rly cute this episode tbh although i do not ship it.


Akeno "Aki" Menzies (July 27, 2005) is a main character in the Gossip Girl revival. He is portrayed by #EvanMock. He is a shy film enthusiast who loves to skate. He is described as Innocent.

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