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Han Shinwoo type de personnalité MBTI

Han Shinwoo type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Han Shinwoo? Han Shinwoo est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 7w6 - - 872 dans Enneagram, SLUAI dans Big 5, SEE dans Socionics."

Se: action oriented. Impulsive, spontaneous, direct and in search of tangible sensations and pleasures. Fi: great passion and connection, especially with those close to you. He proudly stands up for what he believes and who he loves. Te: direct and realistic. Able to say what he believes without hesitation and to be able to sustain it. Ni: the opposite of Se, lives the "here and now". Carpe Diem. It seems more like a social 8 to me; defends his people with blood and sweat, he is very strong and heroic when the situation requires it. He has the image of a vigilante. Also ... he's not very good with emotions, but at least he's sincere. SO/SX.


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