Anos Voldigoad type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Anos Voldigoad? Anos Voldigoad est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

Doesn't sx1 make more sense than so8? He aims to improve others and often gives moral sermons when, in his opinion, someone does something despicable. He is also a good example of a caring ENTJ.


The Demon King of Tyranny, reborn as a hybrid or “misfit” to Demon King Academy, where the show gets its name. His great experience from before his reincarnation, superb ability to gather great amounts of information, and unrivaled physical and magical prowess is what drives the confidence he has to take on every challenge in his way to reclaim his status.

Anime et manga caractères similaires à Anos Voldigoad
