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Dawn Brancheau type de personnalité MBTI

Dawn Brancheau type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Dawn Brancheau? Dawn Brancheau est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 126 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


Dawn Therese Brancheau (née LoVerde, April 16, 1969 – February 24, 2010) was an American senior animal trainer at SeaWorld. She worked with orcas at SeaWorld Orlando for fifteen years, including a leading role in revamping the Shamu show, and was SeaWorld's poster girl. She was killed by an orca, Tilikum,becoming one of two SeaWorld trainers to be killed by an animal, along with another in Loro Parque in Spain. On February 24, 2010, Brancheau performed a 'Dine with Shamu' show with Tilikum,the largest orca at SeaWorld Orlando. As part of the end-of-show routine, she was at the edge of the pool, rubbing Tilikum's head. She was lying with her face next to Tilikum's on a slide-out, which is a platform submerged about a foot into the water. SeaWorld claims that she was pulled into the water by her ponytail.Some witnesses reported seeing Tilikum grab Brancheau by the arm or shoulder,pulling her underwater and drowning her.Brancheau's death is a focus of the documentary Blackfish.

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