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Faust type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Faust? Faust est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 9w1 - - dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LSI dans Socionics."

Faust is typically adept at observing, gathering information, employing logical reasoning, and finding solutions (Ti+Se). Here are a few examples: Noticing Mephisto's susceptibility to his statements in the childhood → Reducing his speech Tallulah proposes that Faust and Mephisto have their code names, "It's better to have names that offer protection while moving around" →Pointing out that Tallulah herself doesn't use a code name Tallulah, "Because I don't want to." →Pointing out the inconsistency and inquiring further Tallulah, "Because I want to be a person who is consistent inside and out." →Pointing out the logical inconsistency in her words and actions Upon hearing the conversation and recognizing the danger in Tallulah's "teachings" to Mephisto → Attempting to confront Tallulah but failing → Attempting to confront Mephisto but failing →Retaining the highest skill as a trump card to confront critical situations As a member of the Reunion, Faust is independent and strong in execution, neither a traditionalist nor interested in rhetoric, even exhibiting a bit rebellious. Overall, Faust is an ISTP. 浮士德擅长观察并获取信息,逻辑推理并寻找解决方案(Ti+Se) 下面列出几个事例: 幼年时观察到梅菲斯特极易受自己发言的影响 →减少发言 塔露拉提议浮士德和梅菲斯特取代号,“我们行走在外,有保护自己的名字比较好” →指出塔露拉没有代号 塔露拉“因为我不想” →指出前后矛盾,并质疑 塔露拉“因为我想成为一个表里如一的人” →指出言行逻辑矛盾 听到塔露拉对梅菲斯特的“教导”,觉察危险 →与前者对峙,无果 →与后者交涉,无果 →保留最高技艺作为底牌,在关键时刻发挥作用 浮士德作为整合运动的成员,性格独立且执行力强,既不是传统的墨守成规的,也对高谈阔论没有兴趣,甚至有些叛逆 浮士德是ISTP


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