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Stephen Ahn (안수호; Ahn Suho) type de personnalité MBTI

Stephen Ahn (안수호; Ahn Suho) type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Stephen Ahn (안수호; Ahn Suho)? Stephen Ahn (안수호; Ahn Suho) est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

He Is Good Leader It Is Very Dissapointing for Fe>Ti : -i Cannot fight, i never hurt any people


An eccentric student from Byuksan Middle School who became Gray's best friend. Though incredibly intelligent, he was content to cruise on average grades until Gray came along. His constant achievements and subsequent donations to the school made him very popular with the teachers, but not so with the students, until the tragic day where their hatred reached a peak and he was pushed off the school roof. He is currently comatose in the hospital, with only a slim chance of recovery.

Bandes dessinées Web caractères similaires à Stephen Ahn (안수호; Ahn Suho)
