Maria type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Maria? Maria est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 162 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

Wether you agree with her or not, the mindset she has towards society and survival is a huge reason why the safe haven exists. Her advice to Ellie not to easily trust others easily should solidify that she’s trying to funnel past experiences and mistakes into creating something more stable for herself and her community. Even from the small provided conversations and beliefs, it’s clear that she values integrity and order not because of a need to control, but a genuine recognition of its value in a chaotic world like the one they’re living in. I think some peoples hang up in regards to her personality is that her ideas and presence as a council member would come off as more cruel in a world where empathy and compassion are a more accessible option to us. But the reality is that in this one, trusting just anyone can get you killed. And I feel minor examples, like the group in the QZ pretending to be in need of help so they could kill Joel and Ellie, is more than enough proof of that. I think since we’re emotionally attached to Joel as a main character, and seeing what he’s been through, it makes her choice to cut Tommy off from him more hurtful. But Tommy would have in all likelihood died had he not been accepted to their colony, and Joel survived long enough to find him, so regardless of how hurtful it was to keep him off the radio, this was a better outcome than most others. In summary, I really think she’s the personification of true “greater good”. Really wonderful character.


Maria is a supporting character in HBO's The Last of Us. She is a survivor in post-apocalyptic America that has been ravaged by the Cordyceps brain infection and the wife of Tommy. She is the leader of a settlement of survivors in Jackson, Wyoming.
