Amanda the Adventurer type de personnalité MBTI
Quel est le type de personnalité de vos personnages préférés de Amanda the Adventurer ?
Amanda the Adventurer
Amanda the Adventurer is a horror game made in 2022 by jpgamedesign for a "Found Footage" Game Jam. The Game Jam version, later dubbed the Pilot Episode, sees the player watching a series of VHS tapes of an old cartoon named Amanda The Adventurer. As the tapes go on, it becomes clear it's more than just a simple kid's show... After the fourth update, jpgamedesign announced they partnered with DreadXP to make a proper full release of the game in 2023. The full version of the game was released on Steam on April 25th of that year. Said full game has a bit more backstory to it: you play as Riley Park, exploring the house of their deceased Aunt Kate after inheriting it. Riley discovers a set of VHS tapes in the attic of an old 2000's show called Amanda the Adventurer, starring a brave little girl named Amanda and her trusty if shy friend Wooly. As Riley continues watching, they realize there are darker things lurking under Amanda's world, and are drawn to dive in further... whether they want to or not.
Type de personnalité des caractères Amanda the Adventurer
Quels caractères Amanda the Adventurer êtes-vous et quels personnages vous correspondent le mieux en fonction du type de personnalité MBTI?
Type de personnalité des acteurs Amanda the Adventurer
Qu'est-ce que le type de personnalité des acteurs Amanda the Adventurer ? Les acteurs Amanda the Adventurer ont le même type de personnalité que leurs personnages.
Type de personnalité des créateurs de Amanda the Adventurer
Quelles personnalités créées Amanda the Adventurer ?