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  2. Literature

All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami) type de personnalité MBTI

Quel est le type de personnalité de vos personnages préférés de All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)?

All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)

All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)

From the acclaimed author of Breasts and Eggs and Heaven. Shy, lonely and introverted Fuyuko lives alone and fills her days with her job as a freelance proofreader. About to turn thirty-five, she cannot imagine ever having any emotional or successful relationship in her life as it currently stands. She is regularly haunted by encounters of the past. But Fuyuko loves the light and goes out on the night of her birthday, Christmas Eve, to count the lights. Her only friend, Hijiri, offers some light in her life, but it is a chance encounter with another man, Mr. Mitsutsuka, a physics teacher, who offers her access from another dimension to light. Pulsing, poetic, modern and shocking, All The Lovers in The Night is the third novel from internationally bestselling author Mieko Kawakami.

Type de personnalité des caractères All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)

Quels caractères All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami) êtes-vous et quels personnages vous correspondent le mieux en fonction du type de personnalité MBTI?

Type de personnalité des acteurs All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)

Qu'est-ce que le type de personnalité des acteurs All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)? Les acteurs All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami) ont le même type de personnalité que leurs personnages.

Type de personnalité des créateurs de All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)

Quelles personnalités créées All The Lovers in the Night (Mieko Kawakami)?
