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  3. 2010's Songs

Mareux - The Perfect Girl tipe kepribadian MBTI

Mareux - The Perfect Girl tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Mareux - The Perfect Girl? Mareux - The Perfect Girl adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 549 di enneagram, RLOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

I believe this song fits on INFJs well because they have some contradictionary functions which make them seem as quite strange and unpredictable people. The way their functions contradict with each other give INFJ's an inconsistent behavior. In example, while their dominant Ni make them focus primarily on their internal world, it is not possible to call them daydreamers since they also use Fe, which gives them a focus on real world and people. They are able to live in their own mind while connecting with people at the same time and that makes it impossible to define them by only one word. In addition, they have Ti and if they use it succesfully, they can be both analytical and creative at the same time. Because INFJs functions are incompatible with each other, it gives them a complex mindset that many people cannot understand. In the lyrics, it also talks about a girl who is unpredictable and hard to understand that it almost looks like she's from another world. I think INFJS suits on that definition because the way they think is highly paradoxical because of their incompatible functions that it makes them appear as strange individuals.


Single, Oct 13, 2019. https://youtu.be/W5Sq71VTJ9Q?si=fhr9WCFF3Yy9rW7a Genres: Darkwave, Coldwave (Post-Punk), Synthwave, Hypnagogic Pop* (Neo-Psychedelia) Descriptors: Male Vocals. Atmospheric, Rhythmic, Repetitive* (Style.) Dark, Cold, Nocturnal (Atmosphere.) Lonely-Sad (Mood.) Love (Theme) You're such a strange girl I think you come from another world You're such a strange girl I really don't understand a word You're such a strange girl I'd like to shake you around and around You're such a strange girl I'd like to turn you all upside down You're such a strange girl The way you look like you do You're such a strange girl I want to be with you I think I'm falling I think I'm falling in I think I'm falling in love with you With you I think I'm falling I think I'm falling in I think I'm falling in love with you
