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Black Friday tipe kepribadian MBTI

Black Friday tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Black Friday? Black Friday adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 3w4 - - di enneagram, SLUEN dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

The Fi is obvious treating yourself things you want and need


The Day After Thanksgiving: Often treated as a holiday by businesses as a concession to reality. Thanksgiving is often associated with travel, to celebrate with more distant family members, and a great many workers will take the following Friday off as leave, even if it's not recognized as a holiday, in order to have a longer weekend. As "Black Friday", this date denotes the kickoff of the Christmas shopping season. There is some controversy about the origin of the day's name; while the most common explanation is that it is named for the traditional notion that retail businesses do not go "in the black" for the calendar year until this day, there is evidence that the nickname is derogatory, originally given by police officers for the heavy traffic that results from automobile travel that day. Whatever the origin of the name, it is (in)famous for the many early-morning sales held by retailers and accompanying crowds (and the odd trampling fatality).
