Claus tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Claus? Claus adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 7w8 - - di enneagram, SCUAI dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

I bet the reason why people are typing him as INTJ is because he plays chess. he is most likely an ENTP. he playfully offered andy an apple, despite being fully aware that he is an apple just to mess around with him. he's also quick to suggest other games to play when andy said that he doesn't know how to play chess. his ne is also very prominent during the entirity of the I spy game. also in a twitter post made my m36games, he comforted andy who is too short to ride a rollercoaster at the fun faire and said that they can do something else instead, showing a healthy use of tertiary fe (and another obvious display of his dominant ne).


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Claus
