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Clan Salubri tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Clan Salubri? Clan Salubri adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

I know people might say that they are more INFP but clan Salubri has various types and most judge situations. Also the fact that Tremere decided this clan even subconsciously tells me they have a J side. I see a high Ni-Fe in them as opposed to the Fi-Ne I see in Malkavians. The Salubri are more focused on the feelings of others as opposed to their own.


Known as Unicorns, the Salubri were carers and protectors, divided into three castes: healers, warriors and watchers. They were the peacemakers in ancient times, before their founder, Saulot, was diablerized by Tremere in the 12th century. Following a massive smear campaign painting them as soul-sucking horrors, there are few healer Salubri left alive. Meanwhile, Adonai, a surviving warrior Salubri, was so angry at the Tremere that in order to seek his revenge he sided with the Sabbat and sired numerous childer to aid him. As such, there are about a hundred Salubri antitribu, who wield a corrupt form of the warrior caste's Valeren. Most of the watcher caste remains where it always has, hidden in the Far East seeking secrets. Weakness: Healer Salubri could not bring harm to others; blood that was not willingly given did not nourish them at all. Warrior Salubri (and thus the antitribu) took the opposite path: they could not feed save by force, or by draining a fallen enemy.

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Clan Salubri
