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Vulture tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Vulture? Vulture adalah tipe kepribadian di mbti, 3w4 - sp/sx - 368 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Initially, before there was all this information about Vulture, I initially typed Vulture as INTJ due to what happened in Chapter 3 with Loen saying that Vulture is a pretty calculative planner, but looking back that is probably just Vulture being a Te-dom. However, now that the guild theater and his reflection is out, plus his Moments posts I am updating Vulture's typing. I think it is pretty obvious that Vulture is a Te user and probably a Te-dom since I don't think he is inf Se or inf Ne, but I can easily see inf Fi, which makes him an ExTJ (so either an ESTJ or an ENTJ). Now as to why I am thinking that Vulture is actually an ESTJ rather than an ENTJ, there are a couple of reasons. First of all, in his Moments posts, Vulture has been shown to be pretty stubborn, which leans towards high Si and low Ne rather than high Ni and low Se. He is also not visionary in the way that actual high Ni users tend to be (compare Vulture to Mercury or even Nidhogg and you will understand what I mean by this). Also his tert Ne (even though it is kinda weak tbh, though that is expected for a tertiary function) shows up in some of his Moments posts, especially with some of his side gigs like reselling makeup and nail art. Plus the tert Ne kinda shows up in his guild theater with some of the disguises. Not to mention, Vulture is pretty duty bound with his job which is another point towards Si-Ne over Ni-Se. UPDATE ON ENNEAGRAM: Initially, I thought Vulture was a 3 and a self-preservation 3, but after looking through some of the enneagram descriptions, I am starting to believe that he could EASILY be a sx 6, especially since he can be somewhat anxious and has openly shown his anxiety in several scenes that he appears (ESPECIALLY in Volume 1).


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Vulture

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