1. Orang & karakter
  2. literatur
  3. Better Than the Movies

Liz Buxbaum tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Liz Buxbaum? Liz Buxbaum adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 469 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

I'm 100% sure she's an INFP even though I haven't read the whole book, coming from an INFP. 1- She has tertiary SI, she is always remembering past events, her mother's death. And is guided based on past experiences. 2- She considers herself a very romantic and idealistic person, which is clear when she has a crush on Michael, she acts a lot out of emotion. 3- she is very imaginative and easily creates scenarios in her own mind. 4- She doesn't go to parties much and prefers to stay at home watching romantic comedies and reading books (introversion). 5- She is a person who is so observed and so focused on her own emotions that she doesn't realize that Wes likes her. She often acts as if the truth, her desire, were the only truth for everyone because she is more in her own feelings. 6- She comes up with several possibilities to win over Michael, possibilities that clearly won't work. 7- She appears to be very closed off about venting to the people around her like her father, her stepmother and even her best friend who didn't know about her plan. I love this book because her love interests are ENFJ and ENTP, the most common ships for INFP and it is very clear that she is enneagram 4, envy, I don't need any argument.


Aka Elizabeth or libby

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