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  3. 1950's Songs

Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango tipe kepribadian MBTI

Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango? Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

Spoken introduction: “Another familiar type of love song is the passionate or fiery variety. Usually in tango tempo, in which the singer exhorts his partner to haunt him and taunt him, and if at all possible, to consume him with a kiss of fire. This, uh, this particular illustration of this genre is called «The Masochism Tango».” The first year I knew about this song, I didn’t get that it’s a satire, and was enjoying it in all my seriousness. But now that I realize the humor, the lyrics are even better 😭 The thing itself is Ne dom, and the fact that it’s being made fun of is also Ne dom. Correct me if I’m wrong, still new to cognitive functions.

