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Narcissus tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Narcissus? Narcissus adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 7w8 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

obviously we all know the story, a man named narcissus in ancient greece was so obsessed with himself, that he had no interest in romance, as he was very romantic with his own company (not what you think, you know what i mean). a nymph fell in love with him a watched him from afar, rejecting women. The nymph put her heart on the table and was crushed, so much so that she went to live in solitude. on his way back from rejecting the nymph, he noticed a pond filled with flowers and beautiful scenery. however. the only thing he noticed was the reflection. he stared at his reflection, talking to himself and admiring his reflection. in his daydreaming, he got closer to his reflection, and then closer, and even so close that his nose and mouth was submerged as he kissed his own reflection as if it was another person. he was so in love with his reflection that he refused to separate his lips from under water, preferring to die then to separate from his love. and once he drowned to death, his body fell in the lake, but the kiss of his love on the surface Of the lake on the spot where he ultimately met his fate, a beautiful flower appeared, representing the spirit of his love for somthing that can only be depicted as another person. now the flower represents (his) meaning of life, deception, mysticism, obsession, pursuit, and rebirth as well as ego death.

