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25-ji, Night Chord de. Len Kagamine tipe kepribadian MBTI

25-ji, Night Chord de. Len Kagamine tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu 25-ji, Night Chord de. Len Kagamine? 25-ji, Night Chord de. Len Kagamine adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 694 di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Sx 6??? Why? I thought sp 6 was pretty obvious Len: “...Yes, when I first came to the Sekai alone. There was no one…” Len: “I was walking around to try and find someone, but I couldn’t…” Len: “I was… so lonely.” Miku: “....Len.” Len: “—But when Miku found me and held my hand, I felt warm.” Mafuyu: ….Why? Len: “I felt… ‘I’m not alone’.” --- Len: “If Mafuyu feels that way, I’m happy.” Len: “I’m sure everyone feels the same.” Mafuyu: Huh…? Len: “Because, with everyone, I’m warm.” --- "These Sixes seek to escape anxiety by seeking the security of protection; therefore, they become dependent on others. They have a passion for compensating for the fear of separation, which manifests as warm and friendly temperament. Their driving need is therefore for something like (neurotic) friendship or warmth, which makes this subtype the warmest of these Sixes. They tend to be in a good mood and have a generally pleasant disposition. They look for a bond of intimacy and trust in their relationships, and they fear disappointing others, especially those who are closest to them. Being warm is their way of getting people to be friendly so they won't be attacked." I don't feel like I need to write much, I'm pretty sure it's self-explanatory...


Len Kagamine is a playable character in Colorful Stage!: Project SEKAI. He acts as VIVID BAD SQUAD's main representative and was recently introduced into the EMPTY SEKAI. He is considerably much more quiet and gentle in the EMPTY SEKAI.

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