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  3. Ellin’s Solhwa

Solhwa tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Solhwa? Solhwa adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

After reading the whole story, I can say that it was just a waste of time and regret for me, Ellin is a selfish and unloving character in every sense, who steals Solhwa's body without her consent and finally kills Solhwa, actually. Everything was very forced; I can say that solhwa is a faded but beautiful character who is not too hard to relate to, especially her relationship with master jin was somewhat understandable and realistic, I wanted more parts of her and jin's life. Actually, I thought there should be some special episodes for solhwa, but there was no news. I can say that Kiha and Solhwa were the most interesting and interesting characters in this manhwa. But actually i really felt for solhwa and cried and wished she could get her body back from ellin and build a new life with her mom and be free from jin's love, or at least a conversation between solhwa and jin so we can say that What were their longings and wishes?


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