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  3. Path of Exile

Drox, the Warlord tipe kepribadian MBTI

Drox, the Warlord tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Drox, the Warlord? Drox, the Warlord adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, - so/sx - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Obvious ENTJ. What zana says about him: "Though he was not our leader, he was our commander. When an impossible decision had to be made in the midst of battle, somehow, Drox always found the right path forward. He led us through numerous situations we thought fatal with an unflagging warm grin that let us know he believed in us." An example of dominant Te, knowing what to do and leading others with this knowledge. in his journals he shows that he is driven by his vision for a just and fair empire with himself enforcing the justice as king (high stack Ni). Also in his journals it is states as : "Each valley I secure adds to the width and breadth of my lands, yet when I return they seem populated by phantasms and twisted imaginings once more. Are the mists coalescing into feverish creatures as soon as I move on, or am I unable to find my way back along my own path?"(i think this is a good example of trickster Si at 7th slot, being unable to rely on memory.


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